Medboard Matters Podcast
In this episode of MedBoard Matters, Host, Jean Fisher Brinkley talks with Dr. Robyn Jordan, Medical Director of the UNC Addiction Medicine Fellowship about a new eight hour continuing medical education (CME) series that focuses on the treatment of opioid use disorder. This series satisfies the new one-time DEA training requirement that is part of the Medication and Treatment Access or MATE Act.
Posted August 15, 2023 |
View All Podcasts
- Information on MATE Act
- Link to 8-hour Addiction Medicine Learning Series: Meeting the DEA Requirement of the MATE Act
- NC Star Network is a statewide initiative with an overarching goal of expanding access to addiction treatment for all citizens of North Carolina through utilization of a Hub and Spoke model. Visit their website here.
- UNC Addiction Medicine Fellowship
Podcast Transcript
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Hosts and Guests
Jean Fisher Brinkley
Communications Director, North Carolina Medical Board

Jean Fisher Brinkley is NCMB’s Communications Director, a role that involves developing and overseeing production of communications materials and strategies needed to enhance public and professional awareness and understanding of the Board and its mission. She joined NCMB in 2008, after an 11-year career in newspaper journalism, most of it dedicated to reporting on medicine, health policy and the business aspects of health care.
Brinkley earned a bachelor’s degree in English from Mills College in Oakland, CA, and a master’s degree in journalism from the University of California, Berkeley. She lives in Raleigh with her husband and two daughters.
You can reach Jean at
Dr. Robyn Jordan

Robyn Jordan, MD, PhD is a Board-Certified Psychiatrist and Addiction Medicine Specialist and is an Assistant Professor in the UNC School of Medicine. She is the medical director of the UNC Addiction Medicine Program and serves as the Program Director for the UNC Addiction Medicine Fellowship. Dr. Jordan has led initiatives such as suboxone initiation in the UNC emergency department and developed an inpatient consult service for patients hospitalized with infection from IV drug use, reducing hospital readmissions for this population by 50%. She is now leading the NC STAR network, a statewide Hub and Spoke model for connecting addiction treatment providers across NC. Dr. Jordan remains committed to finding innovative ways to bring addiction treatment to the citizens of North Carolina. Her email address is: