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Board amends rules regarding publication of misdemeanors

The Board has approved changes to the rules governing publication of misdemeanor convictions by physicians and physician assistants on the Board’s website.

The rule, 21 NCAC 32X .0106, currently requires the Board to publish misdemeanor convictions falling within four broad categories: offenses against a person, offenses of moral turpitude, offenses involving the use of drugs and alcohol, and violations of public health and safety codes.

The Board felt the rule should provide both licensees and the public more explicit guidance regarding which misdemeanors would be published. The revised rule itemizes the specific misdemeanor crimes for publication and makes certain other refinements. The provision mandating publication of misdemeanor convictions for ten years would remain unchanged under the current proposal. The current rule will remain in effect until the Board’s revised rule is approved by the NC Rules Review Commission. The Board has not determined when it will begin the formal rulemaking process.

Misdemeanor crimes that would be posted under the revised rule include:

Crimes against a person: manslaughter; assault; battery; sexual crimes; hazing; false imprisonment; stalking; abuse and neglect.

Crimes of moral turpitude : fraud; arson; blackmail; burglary; embezzlement; extortion; false pretenses; forgery; malicious destruction of property; receiving stolen goods with guilty knowledge; bribery; counterfeiting; mail fraud; perjury; harboring a fugitive from justice with guilty knowledge; failure to file taxes; tax evasion; tax fraud; abandonment of a minor child; bigamy; gross indecency; incest; solicitation; prostitution; attempting, aiding and abetting or serving as an accessory in the commission of a crime involving moral turpitude, and taking part in or attempting to take part in a conspiracy involving moral turpitude where the underlying crime would not involve moral turpitude.

Convictions related to drug/alcohol use: The Board currently posts all misdemeanors involving drugs and alcohol. The proposed change would eliminate drug- and alcohol-related convictions entered prior to a physician or PA’s enrollment in medical or professional school from the Board’s public website.

Violations of public health and safety codes: The Board would continue to publish all such violations.

The Board would no longer publish reckless driving convictions.

The Board will solicit comment from its licensees and the general public when it initiates the formal rule-making process . Please check the Board’s website for updates concerning this proposed rule change.