From the President: a personal perspective on race, equity and moving forward positively in difficult times
As a Black man and the father of two sons, Floyd’s senseless death feels personal and immediate. It should not be controversial for me to express sadness at the loss of life, or to note that our society still has much work to do to ensure equity in its criminal justice system.
Because I am a Black man, you may make certain assumptions about my views. But my race is not the only thing that defines me. I am a physician, a father, a leader in my hospital and a Medical Board member. These things shape who I am and what I think about the world. The same is true of every person, regardless of the color of their skin.
I would respectfully request that, as you continue to watch current events unfold, you pause to reflect and consider that you may not have all the information needed to form an educated opinion. Personally, I think we are all best served by observing, listening and doing our best to understand the underlying issues rather than rushing to judgment or acting based on emotion. While the issues are complex, the underlying principles of justice and equality are indisputable and cannot be compromised, or we risk the collapse of our civilized society. Most of you reading this message are physicians and physician assistants. I hope that we can work together in all venues – practice settings, health care systems, our medical education and training programs, or the regulatory world – to seek that equality.
Thank you for your attention. Feel free to share your own perspectives with me by emailing NCMB staff will make sure I personally see your message, and I will do my best to respond.
NCMB's Chief Executive Officer recently sent a message to Board staff reaffirming the organization’s commitment to its core values. I invite you to read it here.