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Email recipients now receive a full-color email that displays a selection of featured articles, including images, and links to the full text of each article in the newsletter. Previously, the Board emailed a plain-text email notification with links to each newsletter article. The Forum’s editorial staff hopes these changes make the e-version of the newsletter more enjoyable for licensees to read.
The Board established an electronic version of the Forum in 2009. When licensees visit the Board’s website to complete their annual license renewal, they are offered the option of receiving the email version or a printed copy. In addition, licensees may change their delivery preference at any time by visiting the Board’s website and logging into the Licensee Information portal created to allow licensees to modify personal information. All licensees are required to receive the Forum. Unsubscribing from the email version will result in automatic resumption of USPS mail delivery.
Email is now licensees’ preferred method of delivery for the Forum, with more than 22,000 licensees electing to receive the e-version of the newsletter. Email subscribers typically receive delivery of the latest Forum a few days before licensees who receive the print edition. If keeping up-to-date on Board news is important to you, and you are comfortable reading online, you may want to consider email delivery.
To select email delivery of the Forum:
- Visit
- Select “Update Licensee Info Page” in the green Quick Links box at the right of the page
- Log in to the system
- Select “Preferences/CME.” Scroll down the page until you see “Forum.” Select “Home” or “Practice” to indicate which email address the publication should be sent to.
To Unsubscribe
Uncheck the box that indicates your email delivery preference. Make sure both Home and Practice email are unchecked. Leaving either box checked will result in continued email delivery of the Forum.