Policy Discussions Archive
Rule changes to increase PA license renewal and application fees
Discussion Ended on 12/14/2018
PA license application and renewal fees have not increased since 2005, despite rapid growth in the PA population. During the 13-year interval since the last fee increase for PAs, NCMB has twice increased license application and renewal fees for physicians. Fees generate virtually all of NCMB’s operating budget. The number of PAs licensed by NCMB has more than doubled since 2005, to more than 7,000.
NCMB proposes increasing the annual license renewal fee for PAs to $140, from $100. This increases the cost of maintaining an active PA license by 11 cents a day. Renewals completed more than 30 days after the PA’s renewal date will carry a fee of $165. The Board proposes changing the initial license application fee for PAs to $230, from $200.
NCMB will hold a public hearing on Tuesday, Dec. 11, at 10 a.m. at its offices in Raleigh to gather feedback. The Board is also accepting feedback on the proposed increases below.
- PA Annual Renewal
- PA Qualifications and Requirements for Licensure
- Expedited Application for Physician Assistant Licensure
Increase fee. $40 wont break their bank
By Nancy K on Dec 9th, 2018 at 8:20pm
If PA can enjoy same privileges as a physician then they can pay higher fees too : check on the pay Cheques they derive from the docs : least they can do it pay adequate fees to meet the revenues
By Deepi on Dec 9th, 2018 at 8:20pm
I agree with the increase. It honestly should be more.
By Michelle on Dec 9th, 2018 at 8:19pm
$140 is a small fee. People spend more than that on dinner for two with wine. Very reasonable.
By Michelle B on Dec 9th, 2018 at 8:19pm
This increase is completely reasonable and rational. $140 is a small fee to pay for a professional license.
By CK on Dec 9th, 2018 at 8:10pm
I don’t agree with the proposed increase. Rationale behind increase doesn’t make sense. Please review and reconsider a better option.
By Bianca on Dec 9th, 2018 at 7:46pm
I disagree with the increase. Please reconsider.
By Angela on Dec 9th, 2018 at 7:36pm
If physicians have to pay $400 for initial license and $250 per years to renew, $140 for a P.A. seems like a steal! Just be happy you can be a P.A. and do the same things doctors do in about half the time in school. That’s a lot cheaper.
By Mamatha on Dec 9th, 2018 at 7:18pm
I think $100 is too high…..much less $140! By the time you pay all of the expenses associated with maintaining a PA license it makes you wonder if it is worth it….especially when an employer does not contribute.
What benefit to providers would be provided with the increase?
By Camilla Leonard on Dec 9th, 2018 at 6:42pm
Unfortunately, MD’s, private practices, and hospitals often do not reimburse PA’s for their licensing fees. What exactly will the board be doing in exchange for the additional monies to justify this hike? I can see a 10% hike, but 40%? Seems way to steep. How much are you increasing MD’s requirements?
By Angela Coton on Dec 9th, 2018 at 6:19pm