NCMB Disclaimer


The North Carolina Medical Board (NCMB) makes the information contained in this website available as a public service. Under no circumstances shall the Board, its members, officers, agents, or employees be liable for any actions taken or omissions made in reliance on any information contained in this website or for any consequences of any such reliance. Information posted in this website is not intended to constitute either medical or legal advice or opinion.

Improper use of the website that interferes with its proper functioning, including but not limited to web or data scraping, could result in the user’s access being blocked. Organizations seeking large amounts of data may request a roster report.

A note on the licensee information pages: NCMB attempts to ensure the accuracy of the information reported through the licensee information pages. However, because some information is received from outside sources, NCMB cannot guarantee the accuracy of all information on the licensee information pages.