Polysomnographic Technologist
To practice lawfully in North Carolina, polysomnography technologists must register annually with the NC Medical Board by September 1 each year, pursuant to Article 42, NCGS §§ 90-721 through 725.
Complete the online renewal process by clicking the button at right.
NA. Current certification by the Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists is required.
Professional Limited Liability Corporation Renewal
All North Carolina Professional Medical Businesses are required to register with the board on December 31 of each odd year. You will be sent notification to renew during the fourth quarter of each odd year.
Professional Medical Businesses renew online using the Board’s website. Please use Internet Explorer or Netscape Browsers only for this Corporation Registration renewal. If you are doing multiple registration renewals, you must close all of your Browsers between each renewal.
The renewal fee for Professional Limited Liability Corporations is $25. If you fail to renew within 30 days of your renewal date, you must pay a $10 late fee in addition to the annual renewal fee.
Anesthesiology Assistant Renewal
Anesthesiology assistants must renew their licenses every year within 30 days of their birthday. Failure to renew may result in the AA’s license becoming inactive. It is unlawful to practice with an inactive license. AA’s must also verify that they are currently certified by the National Commission for Certification of Anesthesiologist Assistants (NCCAA), or its successor organization.
All Anesthesiology Assistants (AAs) are required to renew their licenses each year by their birthday on the Medical Board website. Failure to renew may cause the AA license to be placed on inactive status.
Once inactive, the AA is not required to renew annually with the board or pay the annual renewal fee. It must be clearly understood that when a license becomes inactive, the AA holding that license is no longer permitted to practice medical acts in North Carolina
To request that a license be made inactive, please send an e-mail to registration@ncmedboard.org and include your full name, license number, inactive date and current mailing address.
The annual renewal fee for anesthesiology assistants is $125. Anesthesiology assistants who fail to renew within 30 days of their birthday must pay a late fee of $25 in addition to the required renewal fee.
Anesthesiologist Assistants shall complete at least 40 hours of continuing medical education (CME) as required by the National Commission for Certification of Anesthesiologist Assistants (NCCAA), or its successor organization, for every two year period. CME documentation must be available for inspection by the Board or an agent of the Board upon request. Anesthesiologist Assistant shall comply with all recertification requirements of the NCCAA, or its successor organization, including registration of CME credit and successful completion of the Examination for Continued Demonstration of Qualifications of Anesthesiologist Assistants administered by the NCCAA.
Certified Clinical Perfusionist License Renewal
Perfusionists are required to renew their licenses every two years prior to the license expiration date. Provisional Perfusionists are required to renew their license annually prior to the license expiration date. Failure to renew may result in the Perfusionists license being placed on inactive status. Perfusionists may not practice with an inactive license.
As a courtesy, the Board sends a renewal notice by email to registered Perfusionists approximately two months before their renewal date. The notice contains the Perfusionists License Number, File ID and Renewal Date. Perfusionists are required to use their personal username and password to login. After logging in to the renewal system, licensees will be prompted to answer a series of questions and required to provide certain information, if appropriate (information about malpractice payments, for example). The renewal process typically takes 10-15 minutes and licensees pay their renewal fee by Visa or MasterCard when they are done.
Note: Please be sure to check your spam/junk mail folders for emails from the Medical Board.
The fee to renew a Perfusionist license is $350 (biennially). The fee to renew a Provisional Perfusionists license is $175 (annually). Perfusionists who fail to renew within 30 days of their license expiration date must pay a late fee of $100 in addition to the required renewal fee.
Licensed perfusionists must earn 30 hours of continuing education (CE) every two years. Of the 30 hours, at least 10 hours must be Category I hours as recognized by the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (ABCP). The remaining hours may be Category II or III hours as recognized by the ABCP. Documentation of continuing education must be available for inspection by the Perfusion Advisory Committee or Medical Board, or an agent of the Committee or Board, upon request.
Resident Training License Renewal
Residents must renew their training licenses annually prior to their birthday. Residents may renew up to 60 days before their birthday.
Late renewal may cause the resident’s training license to lapse.
You should check the renewal policy of your individual institution which may be different from the NC Medical Board’s renewal policy.
If you are in the process of applying for a full license, you should renew your training license, at a lesser fee, to avoid having to renew a full license. Renewal of your training license will carry over to the full license once the full license has been approved.
Residents renew online through the Board’s website. Residents are notified by their Graduate Medical Education (GME) office prior to their renewal date. After logging in to the renewal system, residents will be prompted to answer a series of questions. The renewal process typically takes 10-15 minutes and residents pay their renewal fee by MasterCard/VISA.
The annual renewal fee for a resident training license is $125. Residents may renew up to 45 days before their birthday. Residents who fail to renew by their birthday must pay a $50 late fee in addition to the renewal fee. Late renewal may cause the resident training license to lapse.
You should check the renewal policy of you individual institution which may be different from the NC Medical Board’s renewal policy.
A licensee currently enrolled in an AOA or Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) accredited graduate medical education program is exempt from the CME requirements.
Physician Assistant License Renewal
All physician assistants are required to renew their PA licenses each year by their birthday. Failure to renew may cause the physician assistant’s license to be placed on inactive status. A detailed description of what it means to have an “inactive” license appears below.
Inactive Status for Licenses
The Medical Practice Act (NCGS 90, Article 1) allows a physician assistant’s North Carolina license to become “inactive” if they decide not to practice in North Carolina . PAs whose licenses are inactive are not required to renew annually with the Board or to pay the annual renewal fee. It must be clearly understood that when a license becomes inactive, the PA holding that license is no longer permitted to practice medical acts in North Carolina.
To request inactive status please send an email to registration@ncmedboard.org. Include your full name, license number and inactive date.
To reinstate an inactive license, you must apply to the Board, meet the current licensing requirements, and pay the full PA license fee, which is currently $230, including a $38.00 fee for criminal history record check.
Please remember, when your license is inactive, you may NOT practice in North Carolina .
As a courtesy, the Board sends a renewal notice by email to registered Physician Assistants approximately two months before their birthday. The notice contains the Physician Assistants License Number, File ID and Renewal Date. Physician Assistants are required to use their personal username and password to login. After logging in to the renewal system, licensees will be prompted to answer a series of questions and required to provide certain information, if appropriate (information about malpractice payments, for example). The renewal process typically takes 10-15 minutes and licensees pay their renewal fee by Visa or MasterCard when they are done.
Note: Please be sure to check your spam/junk mail folders for emails from the Medical Board.
The Board will send a Certified Letter of Notice for “failure to register” to any physician assistant who is 30 days delinquent in renewing his or her license. (Notices are sent to the PA’s last known mailing address.) If there is no response from that PA within 30 days, the license will automatically become inactive. No other notice will be sent. A physician assistant may NOT practice medical acts in North Carolina while their license is inactive.
The annual license renewal fee for physician assistants is $140, effective April 1, 2019. Physician assistants who fail to renew within 30 days of their birthday, as required under state law, will pay a renewal fee of $165.
A physician assistant must complete at least 50 hours of National Commission On Certification Of Physician Assistants (NCCPA) Category I continuing medical education (CME) every two years. CME documentation must be available for inspection by the board or its agent upon request. The two year period shall run from the physician assistant’s birthday, beginning in the year 1999, or the first birthday following initial licensure, whichever occurs later.
You are not required to report CME on your annual renewal if either of the following apply to you:
- You are currently certified by NCCPA
- You have just graduated or it has been less than two years since your date of graduation
You will be required to attest to meeting the above criteria on your annual renewal in order to comply with the requirement of PA Rule 21 NCAC 32S.0216.
Physician License Renewal
All physicians are required to renew their medical licenses each year by their birthday. Failure to renew may cause the physician’s license to be placed on inactive status.
Please read the information below carefully. Gather any documents or other information before starting the renewal.
- Actions taken against you by a hospital or other health care institution.
- Misdemeanor charges or convictions.
- Felony charges or convictions.
- Actions taken against you by a regulatory board or agency.
- Malpractice lawsuits resolved by judgement, award, payment or settlement where the lawsuit was in your name, or any settlement or payment made that affects or involve you, even if no lawsuit was filed.
- CME category 1 hours earned since you last renewed. You will be shown your current three-year cycle. NOTE: As of August 1, 2012, physicians are not required to report any Category 2 CME.
- Current email address. Your renewal certificate and receipt will be emailed to you upon completion of the renewal.
Your contact data may be used by the State Health Director in case of a public health crisis.
As a courtesy, the Board sends a renewal notice by email to registered physicians approximately two months before their birthday. The notice contains the Physician License Number, File ID and Renewal Date. Physicians are required to use their personal username and password to login. After logging in to the renewal system, licensees will be prompted to answer a series of questions and required to provide certain information, if appropriate (information about malpractice payments, for example). The renewal process typically takes 10-15 minutes and licensees pay their renewal fee by Visa or MasterCard when they are done.
Note: Please be sure to check your spam/junk mail folders for emails from the Medical Board.
The Board will send a Certified Letter of Notice for “failure to register” to any physician who is 30 days delinquent in registering his or her license. (Notices are sent to the physician’s last known mailing address.) If there is no response from that physician within 30 days, the license will automatically become inactive. No other notice will be sent. A physician may NOT practice medicine in North Carolina while his or her license is inactive.
The current annual license renewal fee for medical doctors (MDs) and doctors of osteopathic medicine (DOs) is $250. Physicians who fail to renew within 30 days of their birthday, as required under state law, must pay a $50 late fee in addition to the renewal fee.
The NCMB issues a number of other physician license types. The renewal fees for these licenses are listed below.
Faculty Limited License Renewal fee: $250 Late fee: $50
Limited Volunteer License No fee; must complete annual renewal
Retired Limited Volunteer License No fee; must complete annual renewal
Special Purpose Renewal fee: $250 Late fee: $50
North Carolina physicians must complete 60 hours of continuing medical education (CME) every three years. *Physicians report completed CME to the Board. As of August 1, 2012, physicians are not required to report any Category 2 CME.
*There are exceptions to reporting CME - see CME Rule below for details.
The North Carolina Administrative Code Title 21 - Subchapter 32R contains information regarding continuing medical education requirements for physicians. The rules can be found on the Web site of the North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearings, or by clicking on the link below.
PLLCs/Corporations Renewal
IMPORTANT: NCMB now provides two different pathways for individuals who wish to renew a NC-based Professional Corporation or Professional Limited Liability Company.
If you are a licensee (physician or PA) of the North Carolina Medical Board, please click on the Licensee Portal button at right.
If you are a non-licensee, please use the Non-licensee Portal button at right.
If this is your first time logging in to NCMB’s new system, you will be prompted to register. This is a one time requirement.
All NCMB professional businesses are required to renew their registration annually. The registration expiration date is found on the registration certificate. A renewal notification is sent to the email or business address on file with the NCMB annually, during the fourth quarter. Failure to renew your registration is cause for suspension under State Statute NCGS 55B-13. If suspended by the NCMB, a business may no longer provide professional services to the public.
All NCMB registered PCs & PLLC renewals must be completed online. Paper renewals are not accepted. Be prepared to update and verify for accuracy the following:
- Mailing address, phone numbers and email address for PC or PLLC
- Current Registered Agent listed with NCMB and the Secretary of State is correct.
- Current approved shareholders or members of the PC/PLLC
- While completing the online renewal, you will be given an opportunity to request approval of a newly added shareholder/member
Shareholders and members of the PC or PLLC are to have NCMB approval on file as an incorporating shareholder, organizing member or approved additional shareholder/member. (See the Handbook for Managing Professional Corporations, Professional Associations and Professional Limited Liability Companies concerning shareholders or members for in depth explanation)
If you have questions or concerns about your Corporation renewal, you may contact the Board’s Corporation renewal coordinator by .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)or telephone at (800) 253-9653, extension 386.
If you wish to reinstate a suspended registration please contact the .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). The coordinator will review with you the forms and fees required in order to have a registration reinstated and suspension lifted.
The Board emails a renewal notification, annually, during the fourth quarter to all PCs & PLLCs. Notification will be sent to the email or business address on file. A final notice is sent within one month of the registration expiration date. Failure to renew the business registration is cause for suspension under State Statute NCGS 55B-13. The Medical Board shall automatically suspend without further notice Corporations/PLLCs who fail to renew and will notify the Secretary of State’s office of the suspension.
You are REQUIRED to renew online. Paper renewals are not accepted. Click on “Start Renewal” and enter the Registration ID Number. Payment accepted with Master Card or Visa only.
During the renewal process you will be asked to complete the following:
- Provide email, mailing address and phone numbers for PC or PLLC.
- Verify all current approved shareholders of the PC or members of the PLLC.
- While completing the online renewal you will be given an opportunity to request approval of a newly added shareholder/member.
Renewal Certificates and shareholder approvals are emailed to you at the end of the renewal process. Please make sure that we have a valid email address for you. Make sure you have not blocked the email address corporations@ncmedboard.org, or that emails from this address are not being sent to a SPAM/Junk folder.
Certificate of Registration for a professional corporation/LLC
Non-refundable fee: $50.00
Paid by VISA, Mastercard, Discover or American Express during the online renewal process
Registration Renewal
Renewal of Certificate of Registration of a professional corporation/LLC
Fee: $25.00.
Late fee: $10.00
Paid by MasterCard, Visa, Discover or American Express using online Renewal
If your corporation was suspended, and you wish to seek reinstatement, please contact the .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Email: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)
Phone: 919-326-1109 extension 386 | 1-800-253-9653 extension 386
Mailing address
North Carolina Medical Board
Attn: Corporations
P.O. Box 20007
Raleigh, NC 27619-0007
Delivery address:
North Carolina Medical Board
Attn: Corporations
3127 Smoketree Court
Raleigh, NC 27604