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Position Statements

3.1.2: Policy for the Use of Audio or Visual Recordings in Patient Care

  Adopted: Jul 2017  | Amended: Mar 2021  Print Friendly Version  |   Share this item

The Board recognizes that there may be valid reasons for licensees to make audio or visual recordings of patients during a healthcare encounter. However, such recordings must be made for appropriate professional reasons and should employ safeguards that protect a patient’s autonomy, privacy, confidentiality, and dignity. In instances where a patient may be asked to disrobe, the patient should be provided an opportunity to disrobe beyond the view of any camera.

Prior to an audio or visual recording being made of a patient, licensees should ensure that they have obtained the patient’s informed consent. The informed consent should be documented in the medical record and should allow the patient an opportunity to discuss any concerns before and after the recording.

Recordings that could lead to disclosure of the patient’s identity constitute protected health information and must be managed and transmitted in a manner that complies with HIPAA and other privacy and security requirements.