Glossary and Disciplinary Definitions
Medical regulation is a very specific discipline with its own language and definitions. It can be difficult for individuals outside the organization to understand, without assistance. To that end, we have prepared âcheat sheetsâ to help licensees, members of the public, members of the media and others understand Medical Board lingo. Access this content by clicking on the appropriate link at the right. If you have further questions, please call the Board at 1-800-253-9653 and ask to speak to someone in Communications.
Acronyms Guide: A key to commonly used acronyms that includes the full name of the organization, policy or term referenced.
Glossary of Board and Licensee Actions: This document provides a brief definition of the various types of disciplinary actions issued by the Board as well as definitions or certain other processes or terms unique to Medical Board business.
Guide to Disciplinary Actions: A more in-depth description of disciplinary actions, including information about their relative level of seriousness.