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Where do I complete an online verification request?
You can click here to request a license verification.
Please note: NCMB does not accept any written verification requests. Any hard copy verification requests received will be discarded without action.
What do I need to do if I am applying for international adoption?
If you are seeking verification of NC licensed doctors for international adoptions, please contact our office via email. In your email message, please include all relevant doctors’ names and license numbers.
Should I call to ensure you received my online request?
This has a tendency to slow down the overall process. We email verifications immediately once they have been completed and paid for. If the verification has not been received (or internally processed) within two weeks, send an email to and we will verify that the verification was emailed.
I took the exam in North Carolina. Can you send me my scores?
If you took the North Carolina Licensing Exam prior to 1976, then you can request these scores by sending a written request along with a check or money order in the amount of $50.00 payable to the North Carolina Medical Board (please use this exact wording to ensure prompt processing of your payment). The North Carolina Licensing Exam is an older exam predating FLEX, SPEX and USMLE. If the exam you took in North Carolina was the FLEX, SPEX or USMLE Steps 1, 2, and 3, you will need to request these scores directly from the Federation of State Medical Boards.
What if another state (or agency) will not accept an online verification?
All 50 state agencies have agreed to our process and will accept our electronic verifications. This is the same for most international boards as well.
I am trying to verify a Resident Training License but cannot find it. Where can I locate this information?
If a licensee holds a full license and has previously had a Resident Training License in North Carolina, the Resident Training license will not be visible but will appear on the verification that the intended recipient receives. If you have questions regarding this or if the Resident Training license does not populate, send an email to