Click blue arrow next to each question to expand and see FAQ answer.
Getting Started
What items do I need to provide to NCMB to support my application?
Each application has a checklist of items required for your application. Please refer to the appropriate checklist for the license application you are submitting. You can find them in the Licensing Section of our website under each licensure type.
What is the best way to submit changes or additions to support my completed application?
Changes and/or additions to licensure applications are not accepted via telephone. Please send all documents, clarifications, or other supplemental information via email to the Licensing Department. You may also send items via USPS or via FedEx or UPS.
Which mailing address should I use when submitting items to supplement my application?
Send mail to PO Box 20007, Raleigh, NC 27619 unless you are sending the information via overnight delivery. If you are overnighting something, use the street address, 3127 Smoketree Court, Raleigh, NC 27604.
Can I fax documents to NCMB to include in my application?
Fax documents are not permitted unless prior permission has been given by the Licensing Department.
Is it OK to email the two-page notarized applicant oath to the NCMB?
No. The original notarized applicant oath must be mailed to NCMB. Send mail to PO Box 20007, Raleigh, NC 27619 unless you are sending the information via overnight delivery. If you are overnighting something, use the street address, 3127 Smoketree Court, Raleigh, NC 27604. Faxes and emails will not be accepted.
Is it OK to email reference forms?
Yes. Reference forms can be emailed to from the author of the form.
What are the license application fee amounts for all types of licenses and registrations issued by NCMB?
Fees vary by application or registration type. Click here for a current list of all application and registration fees.
USMLE and COMLEX: Is there a limit on the number of attempts to pass?
Yes. You must pass each step/component within three attempts. However, this requirement can be waived IF the applicant can show proof of being certified/recertified by an approved specialty board within the past 10 years. To document certification/recertification, send a photocopy of the supporting document(s) to the NCMB Licensing Department.
How do I find out if I’m registered with FCVS (Federation Credentials Verification Service)?
I completed the FCVS application. Do I also need to complete the NCMB application?
Does NCMB accept electronic fingerprints to satisfy the fingerprinting requirement?
Applicants who have their fingerprints completed within the state of North Carolina may opt to submit electronic fingerprints. Applicants who have fingerprints taken outside of NC must submit paper fingerprint cards.
If you decide to submit electronic fingerprints, the results of the background check will be submitted directly to NCMB by the NC State Bureau of Investigations. NC SBI may provide you with paper fingerprint cards even if you opt to have your prints submitted electronically. Please do not submit the cards; the electronic prints fully satisfy the fingerprint requirement.
Where do I send my fingerprint cards, if I am submitting paper cards?
Fingerprint cards should be sent to the NCMB along with a completed authority to release information form. Send both to NCMB at PO Box 20007, Raleigh, NC, 27619 unless you are overnighting, in which case you should use the street address, 3127 Smoketree Court, Raleigh, NC 27604. Please remember NCMB cannot forward fingerprint cards to the appropriate agency until the online license application fee has been paid.
How do I supply fingerprint cards, authority to release form and criminal history?
Applicants outside North Carolina
You will need to go to your local law enforcement office to be fingerprinted. Your fingerprints will need to be provided on an FD-258 fingerprint card which can be provided by the law enforcement office. Two fingerprint cards will need to be submitted.
You will need to upload the Authority for Release of Information Form to your application via the gateway.
Applicants in North Carolina
Live Scan is available to those applicants who are in NC. You will need to go to your local law enforcement office to have this process completed and take the following with you: (1) Applicant Information Form, and (2) Electronic Fingerprint Submission Release of Information Form.
Once the fingerprinting process has been completed, you will need to upload the Electronic Fingerprint Submission Release of Information Form to your application via the gateway.
The Applicant Information form can be discarded after being fingerprinted.
Timeline Questions
After I pay for my application online, how long do I have to provide my supplemental documentation?
The sooner documentation is received, the sooner the application review process can begin and the license issued. Applicants have up to one year after payment is made to submit documentation, or the application will be made inactive.
What happens after all items have been received for my application?
NCMB has several processing steps that it follows in reviewing your application and materials.
The first step is for you to submit the application online and pay for it. The second step is for all supporting documentation to be received by NCMB, including the results of the criminal background check. You should expect the process to take approximately four months. Please begin your license application well in advance of your plans to begin practicing in NC.
How long will it take to get my license?
The application process will take roughly four months. Processing time will take longer during the months of February through August, due to the increased number of residents and relocating physicians. We recommend you allow four to six months of total processing time if you wish to be granted a license during these months.
The following lists common reasons a license approval may take longer:
Forms submitted by the applicant are not completed correctly and must be resubmitted.
The fingerprinting requirement was not submitted in a timely manner.
One or more of the items sent to NCMB never reached us.
Information submitted to NCMB did not include the applicant’s full name and/or File ID#, or this information was not legible, and staff were unable to match submitted information with the correct application.
What are some reasons that a license approval may be taking longer?
Aside from the increased volume of licensing applications during the months of March through August, here are some other potential reasons for licensure delay:
Forms submitted by the applicant are not completed correctly and must be resubmitted.
The fingerprinting requirement was not submitted in a timely manner.
One or more of the items sent to NCMB never reached us.
Information submitted to NCMB did not include the applicant’s full name and/or File ID#, or this information was not legible, and staff were unable to match submitted information with the correct application.
You can check the status of your online application by using the Check Status tool on this website. Click here to access it now.
I sent an email to the Licensing Department. How long will it take before I hear from someone with a response?
Please allow 2-3 business days to receive a response.
How long does it take NCMB to update my status after items are mailed or electronically provided?
Please allow 12-15 business days from the time NCMB the receives items for it to be reflected on your “check status” page.
How long does it take for NCMB to receive background check results?
Results from SBI/FBI can take 8-10 weeks.
What is the best way for me to check the status of my online application?
You can check the status of your online application by using the Check Status tool on this website. Click here to access it now.
My application has finally gone to QA. How much longer will it take to get my license?
On average, licenses are issued 7-10 business days after starting the QA process.
Processing Questions
I realized I started the wrong application. What should I do?
You have the option to delete any applications in progress from the homepage of your Licensure Gateway.
I filled out the Expedited license application and paid for it and was then informed I do not qualify to use it. What should I do?
Send an email to the Licensing Department and ask that the expedited application be withdrawn. Ask for a refund when you make this request.
Why can’t I log back into my application after submitting it?
Once payment has been made on your application, you will not be allowed to make any changes to your application through the portal. If you need to make changes or have additions to your application please send all documents, clarifications, or other supplemental information via email to the Licensing Department. Be sure to include your full name and/or File ID# so that the information can be routed to the correct licensing coordinator.
What if an item on my check status is marked not received but the item does not apply to me?
You should send an e-mail to and indicate which requirement states “not received,” and that it’s not applicable to you.
General Questions
If I’m applying for a full license, do I still need to register my training license?
Yes. North Carolina law requires that physicians register their license within thirty days of their birthday each year.
Do I need to obtain a license verification if I have only held training licenses?
No. NCMB does not require verification of training licenses.
Does NCMB issue temporary licenses?
Typically, NCMB does not issue temporary licenses. However, in rare instances, such natural disasters or other emergency situations, NCMB may activate its Limited Emergency License, an expedited temporary license, to allow medical professionals not currently licensed in NC to work or volunteer in our state. A Limited Emergency License authorizes a clinician to practice in NC for 30 days, or until the state of emergency is officially declared over.
Does North Carolina recognize medical licenses issued by any other states?
No. North Carolina does not have “reciprocity” with any other states at this time. Physicians and PAs who wish to practice in North Carolina must obtain a license in this state.
Does NC offer a teleradiology license?
No. Physicians wanting to practice teleradiology will need to obtain a full license.
Can third parties contact NCMB for information on the status of a pending license application?
No. NCMB cannot share applicant information with anyone except the applicant.
How do I know if my medical school qualifies for licensure?
The NCMB does not have a list of approved or disapproved schools.
Will I need a personal interview?
It will be determined upon completion of the application as to whether an applicant will be required to appear for a personal interview.
Click blue arrow next to each license type or topic to expand and see FAQs.
Resident Training License
RTLs do not have a license number. What should I do when asked to provide one?
The NCMB does not assign a license number to residents. When filling out forms that request a license number, leave the space blank, or use “RTL” to indicate that you hold a resident training license.
I am an RTL applying for a full license. Should I make my home address my NCMB mailing address?
Yes, it is recommended.
How do I check the status of my RTL application?
Call your Graduate Medical Education (GME) office staff, who function as agents of the North Carolina Medical Board regarding resident training licenses. The GME offices are prepared to handle all inquiries from incoming residents and can explain the application process and assist with questions concerning the online RTL application, fingerprint/criminal background check process and application supporting documents. GME offices strive to approve RTL license applications before residents’ start date.
How do I update my address info after my residency ends?
Once your residency ends you will have access to update your practice address in your Licensure Gateway. From our homepage, click on “Change my name or home/practice address”.
Do I need to renew my RTL if I am applying for a full NC medical license?
Yes, unless the full license application is approved and a full license is issued BEFORE your RTL renewal date.
How do I convert my resident training license to a full license?
You will need to complete the full physician license application online.
Do I need a supervising perfusionist?
You will need a supervising perfusionist until you are certified by the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion (ABCP). Without the ABCP certificate you are required to apply for a provisional perfusionist license. This license is only good for 12 months. You will be required to submit a Designation of Supervising Perfusionist form.
I have a provisional perfusionist license. How do I get a full unrestricted license?
Once you have passed the exams for certification, contact the American Board of Cardiovascular Perfusion and have them send us verification. You will also need to submit a written request, along with the required fee to have your provisional license converted to a full license.
What is the licensing process for Perfusionists?
The licensure process for perfusionists is:
Application is submitted.
Application is processed (biographical data is entered into our system & fingerprint cards are submitted to the SBI).
Once the application is complete (license verifications, databank queries, SBI report, and all other requested information has been received) the application is sent to Perfusionist Advisory Committee (PAC) member for review.
If the application or SBI report reveals negative information, the applicant may be asked to come for an interview with the PAC.
The applicant is then placed on the vote list for the next meeting of the PAC.
If approved by the PAC, the applicant’s name will then be placed on the vote list for the next meeting of the North Carolina Medical Board (NCMB) - extracted
Why does the licensing process take so long?
Sometimes we receive information from the SBI background check that wasn’t indicated on the application. When this occurs, the applicant is required to send in additional information/materials. There are also documents (such as reference forms & education certification forms) that must be submitted by other individuals and agencies.
Polysomnography Registration
Why did the NC Medical Board establish a registry of polysomnographic technologists (commonly referred to as sleep techs)?
On October 1, 2009, The NC General Assembly enacted Article 42 of Chapter 90 of the General Statutes, the Polysomnography Practice Act which required the North Carolina Medical Board to establish a registry of sleep techs. The Polysomnography Practice Act made it unlawful for any unregistered sleep tech to practice polysomnography, represent themselves as someone credentialed to practice polysomnography or use the title “Registered Polysomnographic Technologist.”
Are there any exemptions to the registration requirement?
Yes. Persons who are registered, certified, credentialed or licensed to engage in a profession other than polysomnography or any person working under the supervision of a person who is registered, certified, credentialed or licensed to engage in another profession are not required to register with the Board if: 1) The person is performing work incidental to or within the scope of practice of that profession or occupation and 2) The person does not represent him- or herself as a registered polysomnographic technologist.
In addition, the following individuals are not required to register: 1) Individuals employed by the U.S. government; 2) Persons performing research that monitors physiological parameters during sleep or wakefulness for purposes not related to the practice of clinical medicine; 3) Licensed physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners; and 4) Students actively enrolled in a polysomnography education program, provided the student is working under the direct supervision of a registered polysomnographic technologist and complies with all applicable rules.
Does a Sleep Tech/Polysomnographic Technologist have a license number?
No. Sleep techs are registered, not licensed, by the Board and as such have no license number. The number assigned to a polysomnographic technologist upon initial registration with the Board is a login number for use when registering each year.
How often must sleep techs register with the Board?
Sleep techs must register annually, on or before September 1st.
What information must be submitted to the Board?
Registrants must provide: 1) Their full legal name; 2) Their complete address and current telephone number; 3) Evidence that they are currently credentialed in good standing by the Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (BRPT.)
Does the Board accept paper registration forms?
No. The registration is an online process, which sleep techs will access via the Board’s website. It may be necessary for sleep techs to email, mail or fax certain information to the Board to document their credentials.
Is there a fee to register as a sleep tech?
Yes. The registration fee, which is set by statute, is $50.
What if a sleep tech fails to register?
Under the Polysomnography Practice Act, it is a Class 1 misdemeanor to practice polysomnography without registering with the Board. Failure to register could result in criminal prosecution or a court injunction barring the unregistered sleep tech from practicing.
What constitutes "evidence" that the sleep tech is credentialed in good standing by the Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (BRPT)?
Registrants must attest that they are currently credentialed by the BRPT. The Board will verify the sleep tech’s credentials with the BRPT. If the Board is unable to verify if a registrant is currently credentialed by the BRPT, the sleep tech may be required to provide a copy of his or her certificate.
Will the Board process complaints and investigate possible violations of the Polysomnography Practice Act and/or disciplinary matters?
No. The Board is directed by statute only to maintain the registry. Complaints and investigations of violations of the Polysomnography Practice Act shall be directed to and conducted by the national Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists.