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Aug 26 2009

Attention DEA registration holders

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It has come to the Board's attention that some licensees who hold U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration registrations currently list their home address as their primary contact address with the Board. This may create a conflict with DEA rules, which require that the registered address be the same address as the location where the practitioner is seeing patients and writing prescriptions for controlled substances.

To ensure compliance with DEA rules, update your address with the NCMB so that your practice address is listed as your primary or "public" address.

You may change your address online by visiting the Board's website at

Select "Change My Address" from the green Quick Links box that appears to the right of the screen. Addresses may be updated at any time. The Board asks that licensees promptely update their address in the event of a change.

For questions regarding DEA rules, please contact the DEA (general questions to DEA headquarters) 202.307.1000 or visit the DEA's website.

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