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Aug 8 2019

Board sets leadership team for 2019-2020

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NCMB elected officers for the coming year at the July meeting of the Board.

In accordance with the NCMB bylaws, current President-elect Bryant A. Murphy, MD, of Durham, will automatically assume the role of Board President on Nov. 1. The Board voted to elect the following slate of officers. Together, the Board President and elected officers make up NCMB’s Executive Committee, which sets Board priorities and handles governance responsibilities. Terms run from Nov. 1, 2019 until Oct. 31, 2020.

President-elect: Venkata R. Jonnalagadda, MD
Secretary-Treasurer: John W. Rusher, MD
Executive Committee At-Large Member: Jerri L. Patterson, NP
Executive Committee At-Large Member: Shawn P. Parker, JD

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