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Aug 14 2009

Board establishes “Legislative Update” column

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This summer the NC Medical Board established an online column on the Board's website to provide regular updates on legislation, administrative rules and new laws that affect the Board and its licensees. Content is posted, depending on legislative activity, when the General Assembly is in session. Posts that deal primarily with administrative rules or new laws will be made on an ongoing basis.
Below is a summary of recent legislative activity:

H703: Reporting threshold for malpractice
House Bill 703, which was signed by Gov. Beverly Perdue on June 30 and is now Session Law 2009-217, would require that settlements of $75,000 or more that occurred on or after May 1, 2008, be publicly reported. Malpractice data will be posted on the NCMB's website later this year. (See article "It's time to complete your expanded NCMB information page")

H878: NCPHP access for all NCMB licensees
House Bill 878, now Session Law 2009-363, would permit the NC Physicians Health Program to extend its assistance to all NCMB licensees with substance abuse/alcohol issues. Currently NCPHP's services are limited to physicians and physician assistants.

H951: Repeals outmoded licensing provisions
H951, now Session Law 2009-447, repeals the vestigial osteopathic licensing provisions that became obsolete after the Medical Board began licensing DOs in 1969. Prior to that time, DOs were licensed by a board separate from the Medical Board.

S628: Controlled Substances Reporting System
Senate Bill 628, now Session Law 2009-438, makes numerous changes to the Controlled Substances Reporting System. The Board believes these changes will make the system easier for prescribers to use. (See related article "Lawmakers eliminate CSRS 'gag rule'")

S958: Overhauls NCMB processes
Senate Bill 958 has passed both houses of the legislature and was sent to the Governor on August 6. The bill makes numerous changes to the Board's investigative and disciplinary processes. Once law, these changes would take effect October 1, 2009.

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