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Feb 2 2011

Board to begin work mid-year on “sleep tech” registry

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Recent changes to state law require the North Carolina Medical Board to establish a registry of polysomnographic technologists (“sleep techs”).

The NCMB expects to begin work on the registration system in June. The NCMB will work with appropriate professional organizations, including the North Carolina Association of Sleep Technologists, to publicize the new system and all related fees, rules and policies when it is ready to begin accepting registration information.

The registration requirement applies to all polysomnographic technologists who are registered by the national Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (BRPT). The NCMB will collect the following information: the name, full address, the date of registration with the BRPT, and proof of BRPT registration.

After January 1, 2012, it shall be unlawful for individuals who are not registered with the NCMB to do any of the following: (1) practice polysomnography; (2) represent, orally or in writing, that the person is credentialed to practice polysomnography; or (3) use the title “Registered Polysomnographic Technologist” or the initials “RPSGT.” Violation of this law shall be a Class I misdemeanor. RPSGT students and those involved in institutional review board-approved research studies will be exempt from these prohibitions.

The NCMB will not investigate allegations of substandard practice or discipline registered sleep techs. In accordance with state law, the Board will act solely as a repository of registry information.

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