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Aug 3 2010

Changes in the Office of the Medical Director

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Image for Changes in the Office of the Medical Director Recent months have seen changes in the NCMB's Office of the Medical Director. Effective July 1, C. Michael Sheppa, MD, transitioned to part-time hours at his request, stepping down as the Board's medical director. He will continue working as associate medical director. Meanwhile, Scott G. Kirby, MD, previously the Board's assistant medical director, has been appointed medical director.

Among other things, the OMD reviews all cases related to quality of care and makes recommendations for Board action as part of the Board’s internal case review process.

Dr. Sheppa first came to the Board as assistant medical director in February 2006, assuming the role of medical director in September of the same year. Before joining the Board's staff, Dr. Sheppa was a partner in and president of Raleigh Emergency Medical Associates in Raleigh.

Dr. Kirby came to the Board as assistant medical director in November 2006. Prior to joining Board staff, he was an emergency department physician at Raleigh Community Hospital, now Duke Health Raleigh Hospital, and partner in Capital Emergency Physicians in Raleigh.

Finally, the OMD expanded its staff in April to include a physician assistant, Katharine Kovacs, PA-C. Ms. Kovacs helps the OMD review license applications and disciplinary cases related to quality of care. Prior to coming to the Board, Ms. Kovacs worked in a variety of care settings, including nursing homes, and most recently was on the clinical staff of Raleigh Neurology.

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