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Jun 14 2019

Continuing to lead at the national level

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Image for Continuing to lead at the national level In the last issue of the digital Forum, we congratulated a current Board Member, Shawn P. Parker,JD, MPA, on his recent election to a full term on the Board of Directors for the Federation of State Medical Boards. Well, Mr. Parker was just one individual affiliated with NCMB to win a national office with FSMB!

Cheryl Walker-McGill,MD, who served as a Board Member with NCMB from 2011-2018, was selected as Chair-elect of the FSMB Board during the FSMB Annual Meeting in Fort Worth in April. Dr. Walker-McGill will assume the role of Chair in April 2020. Her election continues a proud tradition of NC leaders working to improve medical regulation and the practice of medicine at the national level. Congratulations Dr. Walker-McGill!

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