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Jun 25 2018

Renewal fee waiver for certain active duty licensees

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Did you know that NCMB offers free annual renewal to certain licensees who are currently serving active duty within any branch of the U.S. armed services?

To qualify for the waiver licensees must be:

(1) currently licensed by and in good standing with the Board;
(2) serving in the armed forces of the United States or serving in support of such armed forces; and
(3) serving in a combat zone, or serving with respect to a military contingency operation as defined by 10 U.S.C. 101(a)(13).

Licensees must meet all three criteria to receive the waiver. To request the renewal fee waiver, contact the Board prior to renewing at or 919-326-1100.

NCMB is grateful to all licensees who serve our country.

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