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Oct 30 2023

From the President: Reflecting on six years of service, with gratitude

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Photo of Dr. Kilpatrick
Dr. Kilpatrick
As October comes to a close, I end both my term as Board President and my service with the North Carolina Medical Board after six incredible years. I am filled with gratitude and pride for the journey I have experienced during my tenure with the Board.

One of the defining moments of my first term with NCMB was the creation of our current mission and vision statements. Crafting these statements helped us to establish a clear path forward and informed strategic goals, and they continue to serve as guideposts for the organization. It was inspiring to help craft the words that guide NCMB in its mission to safeguard the public by ensuring the highest ethical and professional standards among its licensees.

Public service is at the core of NCMB’s endeavors, and our commitment to protecting the public is unwavering. The Board recognizes that the physical and mental well-being of its licensees directly impacts patient care. Through various outreach initiatives, we have strived to create policies and position statements that promote retention amongst our NC physician and PA workforce. I am delighted that NCMB has chosen to engage with the re-established and re-energized NC Clinician and Physician Retention and Well-being Consortium. This will keep the Board involved in important conversations about the systemic drivers of professional burnout and, hopefully, poised to act where it can.

Regulatory boards are not necessarily known for being innovative, so I am particularly proud that NCMB is developing a cutting-edge data analytics program. We are leading the way for other medical regulatory boards with this and are currently one of the only regulators working to develop this capacity. The data analytics initiative will equip NCMB with the tools to make data-informed policy decisions and enhance the organization’s ability to predict and engage with emerging issues.

In addition, I have been honored to be part of NCMB’s efforts to remain impartial, which is the obligation of any regulatory body. NCMB has taken a hard look at its culture and practices and committed to safeguarding against systemic discrimination. During my service with NCMB, the organization began offering annual training on implicit bias to Board Members and staff, and more recently worked to ensure our workflows align with best practices for ensuring equity in medical regulation. We have also compiled resources on cultural competence to assist licensees in their own efforts to ensure equitable treatment of patients. One of the highlights of my term as Board President was transforming the Board’s “Diversity Equity and Inclusion (DEI) Workgroup” into the “Health Equity Workgroup”. This change reflects the Board’s view that focusing on equity will improve the quality of medical care for all patients. This workgroup will remain active, ensuring that NCMB does not lose sight of this priority.

Perhaps one of the most rewarding aspects of my time with NCMB has been the cultivation of meaningful friendships with Board Members and staff. These bonds have not only enriched my professional life but also have strengthened my resolve to serve the public and advance the Board’s mission. The work we do with NCMB matters and I am better for having been a part of it.

It has been my privilege to serve as your President.

NOTE: Christine M. Khandelwal, DO, became Board President on Nov. 1. Read more about Dr. Khandelwal.

 Comments on this article:

All medical professionals in our state owe Dr. Kilpatrick a vote of thanks for her tireless energy while on the NCMB. We are especially grateful for her seasoned leadership as president during a time when her medical colleagues needed her clear thinking and dedication to steer us through unprecedented waters.

By Vanessa Haygood on Oct 31, 2023 at 9:20pm

Dr. Kilpatrick,
Bravo! Thank you for your service and commitment… your intent, interest and passions reflect a job well done!

Best of everything in your future endeavors.

Dr. Analisa Cross

By Analisa Cross on Nov 01, 2023 at 1:51pm
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