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Jul 20 2011

FSMB urges medical boards to move on MOL

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At its recent annual meeting in Seattle, the Federation of State Medical Boards adopted a detailed blueprint intended to guide state medical boards as they consider whether to adopt “maintenance of licensure” programs.

Maintenance of licensure (MOL) is an emerging trend in medical regulation that aims to ensure the continued competence of licensed physicians. Once implemented, MOL would require, as a condition of license renewal, that physicians demonstrate their participation in programs of practice-specific professional development, with an emphasis on continuous improvement.

MOL requirements recommended by the FSMB include: enhanced continuing medical education standards that emphasize training specific to area of practice; licensee use of health care IT to produce data to assist in identifying knowledge gaps and learning opportunities; and required licensee use of comparative data and other tools to align medical practices with recognized quality standards.

The report of the FSMB’s MOL Implementation Group urges state medical boards to move decisively, as a group, to implement MOL at the state board level. The report states FSMB’s commitment to helping state boards fully implement MOL within 10 years.

The NCMB has participated in national discussions about MOL over the past several years. As with other important issues in the past, the Board is committed to seeking feedback and participation from licensees and other interested parties as it considers MOL.

For more information visit the FSMB’s Maintenance of Licensure Information Center.

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