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Nov 18 2016

Henderson marks two decades of NCMB service

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NCMB's chief executive officer, R. David Henderson, recently celebrated 20 years of service with the Board. The Board marked the anniversary with a ceremony during its September meeting.

Mr. Henderson earned his undergraduate degree from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte and his law degree from the Wake Forest University School of Law. He joined NCMB's staff in 1996 as an attorney in the Board's Legal Department. He was promoted to the role of executive director in 2003 and, in March 2015, his title changed to chief executive officer.

During Mr. Henderson's tenure, the Medical Practice Act has undergone at least two major overhauls and the Board implemented a significant expansion of online licensee information available to the public. Under his leadership, the Board has become known as a national leader in medical regulation and is widely recognized as a standard-bearer for transparency. Most recently, he has helped NCMB navigate changing public and political expectations to position the Board as a more proactive agency that anticipates and addresses the most pressing issues in medicine and public health.

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