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Apr 27 2011

“Like” us or not, we’re on Facebook

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Like Queen Elizabeth II and the White House, the NC Medical Board has joined Facebook. The NCMB’s page on the social media network can be accessed at; search for North Carolina Medical Board.

The NCMB hopes to use Facebook to raise awareness of the Board, provide news and updates and let visitors give their feedback on new initiatives, position statements and other matters.

Be sure to click the “Like” button on the Board’s Facebook page to have the following content delivered direct to your smart phone or email account:
  • Board notices and announcements

  • Notice of public actions, including disciplinary actions

  • Board meeting agendas and minutes

  • Notice of Forum e-newsletter availability

  • Video clips, and more…

Facebook is the Board’s first foray into social media. Next up: Twitter and YouTube. We’ll keep you posted as the NCMB’s social media efforts progress.

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