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Nov 4 2010

NC DHHS calls on physicians, others to display anti-fraud poster

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Image for NC DHHS calls on physicians, others to display anti-fraud poster The NC Department of Health and Human Services has created a poster asking citizens to report Medicaid fraud and abuse. In a memo dated June 4, 2010, DHHS Secretary Lanier Cansler asked all health care agencies and private health care providers to print and prominently display the poster in their offices.

“Whether you’re a Medicaid provider, recipient or simply a taxpayer, fraud and abuse costs YOU,” the NC DHHS poster asserts. The poster advises Medicaid recipients to help reduce fraud and abuse by keeping their paperwork in good order, keeping alert to unnecessary tests, repeat billing or statements that don’t match their actual medical conditions.

DHHS also wants Medicaid recipients to monitor other Medicaid participants. The poster urges recipients to never loan their Medicaid card to anyone and to report any recipient who lies about eligibility or medical conditions, forges prescriptions or sells drugs, or loans his or her Medicaid card to others. “Don’t feel guilty about reporting someone who steals health care from those who need and deserve it.”

To download a copy of the poster, visit
To read a copy of Secretary Cansler’s memo, visit

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