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Dec 18 2023

On the podcast: All about Medical Corporations

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Image for On the podcast: All about Medical Corporations The final MedBoard Matters podcast of 2023 explores a relatively obscure aspect of NCMB’s work: registering medical professional corporations (PC) and professional limited liability companies (PLLC) that do business in North Carolina.

Listen up to learn what it means to be a PC or a PLLC in the context of medical practice and why medical professionals might want to organize their medical practices as one of these types of businesses, as well as lots of tips and tricks to avoid problems, delays and other issues that arise with medical corporations.

And heads up: If your practice is already organized as a PC or a PLLC, it is time to renew your registration. All PCs and PLLCs must renew annually by Dec. 31. Find a link to the renewal questionnaire on NCMB's website.

MedBoard Matters will be on hiatus until the new year, with new content posting in February 2024.

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