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Feb 27 2024

On the podcast: Combating congenital syphilis

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Image for On the podcast: Combating congenital syphilis On the latest episode of the MedBoard Matters podcast, NCMB discusses how it partners with the state Department of Health and Human Services (NCDHHS) to keep licensees aware of public health concerns and other pressing matters of shared interest.

The main focus of the episode is the recent resurgence of congenital syphilis and how North Carolina clinicians can help by improving screening rates for syphilis and other sexually transmitted diseases in sexually active patients. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, rates of congenital syphilis in the U.S. were 10 times higher in 2022 than they were a decade ago.

The most at-risk group is pregnant women who are not receiving prenatal care. By screening for STDs outside the context of an OB/GYN visit, NCDHHS hopes medical professionals can help improve and save lives.

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