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Nov 15 2013

Professional Corps and LLCs: Renew by year’s end

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Medical professional corporations and limited liabilities companies are required to renew their corporate registration annually with the Board no later than Dec. 31. The Board emails or mails a renewal notification to the email or business address on file with the NCMB during the fourth quarter of the y ear. Failure to renew may result in suspension of the corporate registration pursuant to NCGS 55B-13. If suspended by the NCMB, a business may no longer provide professional services to the public under the protections afforded by PC or LLC status.

All medical professional businesses must renew online. Paper renewals are not accepted. Be prepared to update and verify for accuracy the following:
  • Mailing address, phone numbers and email address for PC or PLLC

  • Current Registered Agent listed with NCMB and the Secretary of State

  • Current approved shareholders or members of the PC/PLLC (You will have the opportunity to request approval of a newly added shareholder/member during the renewal process)

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