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May 3 2012

Rate the revised statement: Treating Self and Family

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The one question survey is useless; it does not include the option:
The revision is an improvement but is still FAR TOO RESTRICTIVE.

By THT on May 28, 2012 at 3:39pm

So, if my elderly mother wishes to select me as her physician - in keeping with the patient’s bill of rights as enumerated by the Association of American Physician and Surgeons which states that it is the patient’s right to choose the physician they wish to care for them - you would deny her that right because the NCMB feels that they are in a better position than her to determine what’s in her best interest. Glad to hear that you’ve signed on to the big government, nanny state way of thinking.

By Michael Moore on Jun 02, 2012 at 12:48am
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