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Mar 12 2018

Register with HealthConnex by June 1

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Physicians, physician assistants and nurse practitioners who see Medicaid patients must register for the state’s Health Information Exchange, HealthConnex, by June 1, 2018, to continue receiving reimbursements.

A health information exchange (HIE) is a secure electronic network that enables authorized health care providers to access and share health-related information. Its purpose is to improve health care quality, enhance patient safety, improve health outcomes, and reduce overall health care costs by enabling health information to be available securely whenever doctors, nurses and patients need it.

The NC Health Information Exchange (NC HIE) Authority holds free monthly “How to Connect” conference calls that providers are welcome to join – check the HealthConnex website for upcoming dates.

The June 1 deadline applies to Medicaid providers only. State law will ultimately require any provider who receives state funds for providing health care to patients to register with HealthConnex to continue receiving payments. This includes providers who participate with the State Health Plan, who must register by June 1 2019. Visit FAQs developed by the NC HIE Authority for more information and a full list of registration deadlines.

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