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Aug 14 2009

Strong response to call for Board members

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The independent panel that reviews and nominates candidates to sit on the North Carolina Medical Board received about 30 applicants for the three seats that come open this fall. The application period is now closed.

The Review Panel for the North Carolina Medical Board is scheduled to meet in late August for two days. Interviews of the candidates for the NCMB seats will be conducted during this meeting. The panel ust select at least two candidates for each open seat. Candidates' names will be forwarded to Gov. Beverly Perdue, who will make the final selection.

Two seats will be filled by physicians and the third seat will be occupied by a nurse practitioner or physician assistant. The NP/PA seat is currently occupied by Peggy Robinson, PA-C, who is seeking reappointment. Newly-seated or reappointed Board Members will begin their terms Nov. 1.

The Review Panel will solicit applications for physician Board Members again in 2010. Check the Review Panel's website early in 2010 for information on available seats and instructions for applying. Pevious applicants who are not selected for a Board seat are welcome to reapply. For more information visit:

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