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Feb 28 2019

We asked, you answered: feedback on PA fee increase

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In the last issue of the digital Forum, we asked readers to visit the new Policy Discussions feature on NCMB's website to share their thoughts on proposed rule changes that would increase license application fees and raise the annual renewal fee for PAs to $140. Well, you delivered.

Forum readers left nine pages of feedback on the PA fee increase discussion page, making this topic the most-commented Policy Discussion item to date. Not surprisingly, many PAs argued strongly against a fee increase, but many other licensees were of the opinion that a fee increase is overdue (recall that PA fees have not been changed since 2005). Catch up on the conversation here.

After discussing feedback during its January Board meeting, the Board voted to adopt the PA fee increase. Pending approval by the NC Rules Review Commission, the new fees will be in effect in April.

The Board is now seeking feedback on two recently revised position statements, Telemedicine and Guidelines for Avoiding Misunderstandings During Patient Encounters and Physical Examinations. Find these discussions here.

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