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May 15 2012

Year in Review: A look back at data from 2011

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The annual Year in Review feature highlights a selection of Board data in a two-page graphic spread that, we hope, illustrates some interesting points about the NCMB’s work and licensee population.

This year’s feature demonstrates two points about the physician population that, while hardly surprising, clearly illustrate some of the challenges ahead for North Carolina. First, North Carolina’s medical practitioners are mostly concentrated in a few urban areas while many rural parts of the state have few or none. And second, the physician population in NC is graying rapidly. More than 46 percent are age 50 or older. By comparison, only about 25 percent of physician assistants in the state are in the 50+ age bracket.

The lower third of the page presents data about the Board’s disciplinary caseload in 2011. Interesting fact: On average, it takes less than 100 days for the NCMB to close a case, from complaint received to case resolution.

Visit the NCMB’s Data Center online for additional graphics and information.


 Comments on this article:

we should start to get physicians under 30 or 35 from now as we will have aproblem in very near future.

By Dr. Yousef Abumostafa on May 23, 2012 at 8:53am
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