Resources & Information

Oct 1 2011

NCMB adds new Web content

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The NC Medical Board has added new features to its website to help licensees and others keep better track of Board initiatives and news. Click “About the Board” in the top right corner of the Home Page to see what's available.

The “What’s New” section includes:
    Meeting Summary Provides brief descriptions of selected actions taken during the most recent NCMB meeting. Typically posted within two weeks of the close of the meeting.

    Rule Change Tracker Displays proposed rules and proposed amendments to existing rules. Visitors may view proposed rule text, check the current status of a proposed rule and find instructions for attending a public hearing or submitting written comments.

    New Licensees A list of all physician and physician assistant licenses issued by the Board. Posted every two months.

    Recent Board Actions A chronological listing of all public actions executed by the Board, both disciplinary and non-disciplinary. New actions are typically posted within two business days.

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