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Feb 8 2012

NCMB Position Statements as of 12/31/2011

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Each year, the NC Medical Board publishes its complete position statements as a quick reference guide for all licensees. The position statements are a collection of interpretive statements developed and approved by the Board, with input from licensees and other interested parties, that attempt to explain laws and rules, or explain the Board’s expectations for licensee conduct under specific circumstances. View a complete collection of the Board's position statements.

The Board’s Policy Committee regularly reviews the content of the statements, making necessary revisions to address changes in medical practice or matters of policy, and to acknowledge new or evolving methods or procedures. This year, in an effort to make this guide more user friendly, we have employed a color-coding system to identify position statements that were added, reviewed or revised in 2011. New statements are identified in green; statements that were revised are coded purple; statements that were reviewed with no changes are marked in blue.


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