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Nov 3 2009

Developing a website for your practice

 Categories:  Special Features Think of the number of times you, your family and friends access the Internet. You use the Web to make travel… Read More…
Nov 3 2009

The ‘Six Core Competencies’: Evaluating licensee performance and conduct

 Categories:  Announcements The North Carolina Medical Board has a duty to address misconduct and substandard care. However, its members also consider… Read More…
Nov 3 2009

Reflections on my six-year sojourn on the North Carolina Medical Board

 Categories:  President’s Message In July of 2003, I reported for duty to my first North Carolina Medical Board meeting. I was there to replace John Dees,… Read More…
Sep 1 2009

Ten things you can do that will bring you to the attention of the Medical Board

Among the things that bring physicians to the Board's attention and result in disciplinary actions, the following ten… Read More…
Aug 31 2009

Enter content for your Licensee Info Page

Licensed physicians and physician assistants may now enter information for expanded public information pages, which are… Read More…
Aug 26 2009

Attention DEA registration holders

 Categories:  Board News It has come to the Board's attention that some licensees who hold U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration registrations… Read More…
Aug 14 2009

NCMB quarterly disciplinary report: February - April 2009

 Categories:  Board Actions Report Read More…
Aug 14 2009

It’s time to complete your expanded NCMB information page

 Categories:  Board News The North Carolina Medical Board is moving ahead with plans to greatly expand the licensee information pages on the… Read More…
Aug 14 2009

Seminar educates on safer opioid prescribing

 Categories:  Board News The organization behind Project Lazarus, a novel Wilkes County program aimed at reducing deaths from accidental opioid… Read More…
Aug 14 2009

Strong response to call for Board members

 Categories:  Board News The independent panel that reviews and nominates candidates to sit on the North Carolina Medical Board received about 30… Read More…