Resources & Information


Brochures in English

Fast Facts about the North Carolina Medical Board

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This brochure provides general information about the Board and its work.


Understanding NCMB's Complaint Process

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This brochure provides general information to help patients understand when and how to complain about a licensed medical professional.


Filing an anonymous complaint

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This insert provides the pros and cons of filing an anonymous complaint


Understanding the Board’s Investigative Process

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This brochure provides a summary of the Board’s investigative process.


The Power of Touch

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Medical professionals are trained to use a variety of hands-on techniques during physical examinations. Read about the four common examination techniques.


Undergoing a Physical Examination: Your Rights

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Patients have the right to be treated with respect and sensitivity due to the vulnerable position they are in when undergoing a physical examination. Learn more about what that means in our brochure: Undergoing a Physical Examination: Your Rights.


Know the Signs of Sexual Misconduct

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It is inappropriate and unethical for a medical professional to initiate sexual contact under the pretext of providing medical care. Learn how to protect yourself and recognize signs of misconduct.


Victim Services Guide

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This brochure outlines the Board’s Victim Services Program.


Safe drug storage and disposal handout

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Safely disposing of unused, unneeded medications instead of keeping them at home can prevent tragic accidents, as well as abuse and misuse. Remember to keep medicines secure at all times when following an active treatment plan.


Brochures in Spanish

Datos RĂĄpidos Sobre la Junta MĂ©dica de Carolina del Norte

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Este folleto proporciona informaciĂłn general sobre la Junta y su trabajo.


GuĂ­a del consumidor de la Junta MĂ©dica de Carolina del Norte

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Este folleto proporciona informaciĂłn general sobre la Junta y el proceso de presentar una queja.


Presentar una denuncia anĂłnima

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Este inserto proporciona los pros y los contras de presentar una denuncia anĂłnima.


El Poder del Tacto

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Los profesionales médicos estån capacitados para utilizar una variedad de técnicas pråcticas durante los exåmenes físicos. Lea acerca de las cuatro técnicas de examen comunes.


Someterse a un Examen FĂ­sico: Sus Derechos

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Los pacientes tienen derecho a ser tratados con respeto y sensibilidad debido a la posiciĂłn vulnerable en la que se encuentran al someterse a un examen fĂ­sico. Obtenga mĂĄs informaciĂłn sobre lo que eso significa en nuestro folleto: Someterse a un examen fĂ­sico: sus derechos.


Conozcer las Señales de la Conducta Sexual Inapropiada

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Es inapropiado y poco ético que un profesional médico inicie contacto sexual con el pretexto de brindar atención médica. Aprenda a protegerse y reconocer los signos de mala conducta.


GuĂ­a de servicios para las vĂ­ctimas

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Este folleto describe el programa de servicios a vĂ­ctimas de la Junta.


Folleto sobre almacenamiento y eliminaciĂłn segura de medicamentos

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Deshacerse de forma segura de los medicamentos no utilizados e innecesarios en lugar de guardarlos en casa puede prevenir accidentes trĂĄgicos, asĂ­ como abuso y uso indebido. Recuerde mantener los medicamentos en un lugar seguro en todo momento cuando siga un plan de tratamiento activo.
