Data Center
Data Center is a collection of tables and charts that provides a snapshot of certain aspects of the Board’s work during the previous year, particularly in licensing, complaints and disciplinary activities.
Initial Licenses/Approvals in 2010
Categories: Licensing Show…Malpractice Payments Reported in 2009-2010
Categories: Complaints/Investigations Show…Complaints Received in 2009-2010
Categories: Complaints/Investigations Show…General Licensing Information 2010
Categories: Licensing Show…Licensee Information | 2010
Categories: Complaints/Investigations Show…Sources of Complaints 2010
Categories: Complaints/Investigations Show…Public and Private Actions | 2010
Categories: Complaints/Investigations Show…Licensee Information
Categories: Demographics Show…The chart above illustrates the number of licensees who have provided optional information on their Licensee Information page. Many licensees who have not updated their pages have not taken the opportunity to provide optional information, such as stating a practice philosophy or reporting whether they accept new medicare and Medicaid patients.
Update Licensee Information page
Licensee Information Resource Center