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Aug 27 2021

CDC advisory: inappropriate Ivermectin use is causing serious illness

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The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) have issued a health advisory to warn against the use of the anti-parasitic drug Ivermectin – whether prescribed by a licensed clinician or purchased over-the-counter in a form developed for animal use – as a treatment or preventative for COVID-19.

The CDC advisory notes a threefold increase in calls to U.S. poison control centers related to human exposure to Ivermectin. Nationally, hospitals have also seen a marked increase in emergency department visits related to Ivermectin use. CDC reports that, in some instances, people ingested ivermectin-containing products purchased without a prescription, including topical formulations designed for application to the skin and highly-concentrated veterinary products formulated for large animals.

According to the advisory, clinical effects of ivermectin overdose include gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. Overdoses are associated with hypotension and neurologic effects such as decreased consciousness, confusion, hallucinations, seizures, coma, and death. Ivermectin may also make other drugs that cause central nervous system depression, such as benzodiazepines and barbiturates, more potent, increasing the risk of overdose from those medicines.

The advisory reminds clinicians and members of the public that Ivermectin is not currently authorized or approved to treat or prevent COVID-19.

Read the CDC Health Advisory dated Aug. 26, 2021.

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