Resources & Information

Jun 22 2018

Changes to the Forum’s print edition publication schedule

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In order to provide more timely updates to the Board’s licensees, we are adopting a new publication schedule for the email and print editions of the Forum.

Beginning in September, NCMB will move to a bimonthly publication schedule for the email edition of the newsletter. Changes to the Forum were motivated in part on NCMB’s increased emphasis on education and outreach and desire to share information more frequently with physicians and PAs. Also, nearly 80 percent of licensees who completed a recent Forum survey indicated interest in receiving more frequent updates from the Board.

NCMB will continue to produce a print edition of the Forum for the relatively small percentage of licensees who request it, but will reduce the number of issues to two per year. The next print issue will be published in late fall 2018.

Print readers who want to also receive bimonthly email editions of the Forum may sign up at Readers who sign up via this link will receive both print and email edition of the newsletter.

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