Resources & Information

May 15 2012

Did you know?

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Every licensee of the Board has a public Licensee Information (LI) Page on the NCMB’s website. North Carolina law requires physicians and physician assistants to report certain required information to the Board for inclusion on the LI page.

Among other things, licensees must report:
  • a current practice address and current practice telephone number

  • current area(s) of practice

  • accurate information about graduate medical or osteopathic training (we have changed how this information is displayed, so all licensee need to update it)

Licensees who do not have accurate information listed with the Board are out of compliance with state law. As of May 1, Board records indicated that about 18 percent of physicians and 14 percent of physician assistants had never logged in to the NCMB’s Licensee Information portal to update their information. This suggests many licensees are out of compliance.

Look yourself up to see whether your information is up to date. If your information needs to be updated, return to the Home Page, click on “Update Licensee Info Page” and log in .

Contact Jean Fisher Brinkley at 919-326-1109 x230

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