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Feb 26 2021

Get the latest on COVID-19 vaccination from Dr. Mandy Cohen in our new podcast episode

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Image for Get the latest on COVID-19 vaccination from Dr. Mandy Cohen in our new podcast episode The latest episode of NCMB's podcast, MedBoard Matters, features an interview with North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services Secretary Mandy Cohen, MD. Listen in to hear why Dr. Cohen is optimistic about North Carolina's current COVID-19 metrics and says she is starting to "see the light at the end of the tunnel".

Dr. Cohen also has a personal message for North Carolina clinicians who continue to work diligently to combat the coronavirus pandemic, as well as some suggestions for how physicians and PAs can help support the state's COVID-19 vaccination efforts. Our interview with Dr. Cohen was recorded just a few days ago - listen while the information is still fresh!

Listen to the episode

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