Getting to know the people of the NC Medical Board: Timothy E. Lietz, MD
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Emergency Medicine | Mid-Atlantic Emergency Medical Associates | Appointed 2013 | President-elect
What do you wish the public or other medical professionals understood about the Board?
A: For medical professionals, I want them to really think about our mission of protecting the public. Medical professionals need to understand that by protecting the public we are protecting the integrity of our profession. The public needs to understand we are here for their protection and that we are a resource when they encounter questionable professional behavior or questionable clinical competence.
What is the biggest challenge facing medicine or medical regulation?
A: That more physicians are working for large health care organizations in an employed model. Physicians are measured by productivity and by metrics that have been placed on them by the organizations and the federal government. Physicians are increasingly measured and graded by best business practices and these often do not measure the value of the patient-physician relationship. Since their paychecks come from the larger organization, physicians are not working for their patients and business partners as they did in the past, but for the corporation. I believe this is causing collegiality between physicians and the doctor-patient relationship to be compromised.
What is the best lesson you have learned from your personal or professional life experiences?
A: To always work on being a good listener. Early in my career I had a respected colleague counsel me about not listening well to the concerns of our nursing leadership. It was a wake-up call. You cannot be a good leader or mentor if you do not listen to others. I think by working on listening to others’ ideas and positions I have become more balanced in my decision making and understand that my ideas, concerns and solutions are not the only way things can be accomplished.
What is the last book you read?
A: In high school I was not much of a reader so most of the classic literature did not receive the time and effort it deserved. I thought that I would go back and start reading now that I have no pressure to finish in a relatively short period of time. I have read the Count of Monte Cristo, All Quiet on the Western Front, In Cold Blood, Catcher in the Rye, and I am currently reading The Grapes of Wrath.
Who inspires you?
A: My wife. She has had a full time OB/GYN practice for 22 years, raised three children, and is a supportive spouse and a great cook. She is now is starting a new practice with additional training in Functional Medicine and Wellness. She has done all this with a dignity and grace that I admire and try to emulate.
What do you wish the public or other medical professionals understood about the Board?
A: For medical professionals, I want them to really think about our mission of protecting the public. Medical professionals need to understand that by protecting the public we are protecting the integrity of our profession. The public needs to understand we are here for their protection and that we are a resource when they encounter questionable professional behavior or questionable clinical competence.
What is the biggest challenge facing medicine or medical regulation?
A: That more physicians are working for large health care organizations in an employed model. Physicians are measured by productivity and by metrics that have been placed on them by the organizations and the federal government. Physicians are increasingly measured and graded by best business practices and these often do not measure the value of the patient-physician relationship. Since their paychecks come from the larger organization, physicians are not working for their patients and business partners as they did in the past, but for the corporation. I believe this is causing collegiality between physicians and the doctor-patient relationship to be compromised.
What is the best lesson you have learned from your personal or professional life experiences?
A: To always work on being a good listener. Early in my career I had a respected colleague counsel me about not listening well to the concerns of our nursing leadership. It was a wake-up call. You cannot be a good leader or mentor if you do not listen to others. I think by working on listening to others’ ideas and positions I have become more balanced in my decision making and understand that my ideas, concerns and solutions are not the only way things can be accomplished.
What is the last book you read?
A: In high school I was not much of a reader so most of the classic literature did not receive the time and effort it deserved. I thought that I would go back and start reading now that I have no pressure to finish in a relatively short period of time. I have read the Count of Monte Cristo, All Quiet on the Western Front, In Cold Blood, Catcher in the Rye, and I am currently reading The Grapes of Wrath.
Who inspires you?
A: My wife. She has had a full time OB/GYN practice for 22 years, raised three children, and is a supportive spouse and a great cook. She is now is starting a new practice with additional training in Functional Medicine and Wellness. She has done all this with a dignity and grace that I admire and try to emulate.