Resources & Information

Jun 29 2021

Last call: personalized opioid prescribing training

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Mountain Area Health Education Center (MAHEC), a leading provider of education on safer pain management and substance use treatment in primary care, is wrapping up a grant supported project that provides personalised, one-on-one training to clinicians who wish to strengthen their opioid prescribing.

The MAHEC program uses a technique known as academic detailing. This innovative training approach pairs prescribers with medical educators who provide tailored guidance for participants. Academic detailing can support a wide range of opioid prescribing needs including best practices for treating chronic pain and recognizing and treating opioid use disorder including the use of medications for opioid use disorder also known as medication-assisted treatment or MAT. Training can also address practice challenges such as managing patients who were established on a regimen of high-dose opioids by another prescriber.

There is no cost to prescribers and training is provided virtually, enabling MAHEC to serve prescribers in any part of North Carolina. CME credit can be awarded upon completion of training.

Space in this pilot program is limited. You can learn more about these services in this informational flyer.

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