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Feb 28 2022

Licensee donations fund scholarships for physicians, PAs coping with substance use and mental health issues

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NCMB licensees donated more than $200,000 in 2021 to support scholarships for physicians and PAs who need financial assistance paying for substance use or behavioral health assessments and treatment. Donations are collected through NCMB's online annual renewal, which invites renewing physicians and PAs to contribute to the NC Professionals Health Program (NCPHP) scholarship funds.

According to NCPHP, donations helped support 62 scholarship awards to defray the cost of NCPHP participants’ assessment, outpatient treatment and inpatient treatment services. These awards are tremendously helpful to professionals who, often, are not able to work while seeking help.

Miss your chance to contribute during annual renewal? Donate through the NCPHP website.

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