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Mar 16 2009

NC Medical Board 150th Anniversary Celebration

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Image for NC Medical Board 150th Anniversary Celebration This year the North Carolina Medical Board will be turning 150. To commemorate this exciting moment in Board history, the Medical Board will host a 150th Anniversary Celebration at the North Carolina Museum of History. Unique and historic items will be on display from the Manassa T. Pope Museum, the Country Doctor Museum and the personal collection of Dr. Scott Kirby. A 1920s-era drugstore, a permanent exhibit of the NC Museum of History, will also be open. Original, restored NCMB Minute Books will be on display and two costumed history enthusiasts will attend as an N.C. Confederate Surgeon and his wife, bringing with them a collection of Civil War-era medical tools and other artifacts. Featured speakers include Dr. George Saunders, board president, and Dr. James Thompson, past president, Federation of State Medical Boards.

We hope you can join us for an evening that will be fun, memorable and historic as we celebrate the Board and its dedicated service to the public and to the profession over the past 150 years.
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