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Dec 31 2019

NCMB goes to medical school

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Immediate Past President Barbara Walker, DO, and a contingent of NCMB staff recently had the opportunity take a bit of the medical board directly to first year students at Campbell University's School of Osteopathic Medicine (CUSOM).

During a two-hour session on Nov. 1, Dr. Walker led a group of about 160 students through a mock disciplinary committee experience based on the actual case review system used by NCMB to evaluate misconduct and decide whether Board action is needed. Initial feedback from CUSOM administrators has been positive and NCMB is excited to report that the Board has been invited to give a repeat performance of the course to first year PA students at Campbell University's PA Program in February! Click below to see pictures from the Nov. 1 session at CUSOM and read a more detailed account of the program and its objectives.

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