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Feb 23 2023

New case-based feature starts strong

 Categories:  Lessons from the NCMB Disciplinary Committee Comments:   comments  Print Friendly Version  |   Share this item
In the last issue of the Forum, NCMB introduced a new case-based feature in which it will present fictionalized cases based on actual fact patterns observed in cases that come through its Disciplinary Committee. The goal is to help licensees avoid regulatory problems by sharing insights into NCMB’s expectations for licensee conduct.

We were delighted by the enthusiastic response from licensees! The feature, called "Lessons from the Disciplinary Committee”, received an unusual number of reader comments, all of them constructive and many of them openly complimentary. Thank you to all who took the time to share this feedback!

Lessons from the Disciplinary will appear in issues of the Forum that do not include a message from the Board President. The next installment is planned for the March-April 2023 edition. In the meantime, check out the inaugural article here.

If you would like to suggest scenarios for future case studies to be discussed, email

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