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Aug 23 2022

On the podcast: Saving lives with medication for opioid use disorder

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Image for On the podcast: Saving lives with medication for opioid use disorder The latest episode of MedBoard Matters focuses on our state's efforts in recent years to raise awareness or and increase patient access to medication for the treatment of opioid use disorder. Many in public health and addiction medicine consider treating as many people with opioid use disorder with medication that kills the craving and dramatically reduces the risk of death as the best hope to reduce deaths from opioid overdose deaths.

Guests Dr. Robyn Jordan, medical director of the UNC Addiction Medicine Programin Chapel Hill, and Dr. Shuchin Shukla, a family physician with Mountain Area Heath Education Center (MAHEC), share information about the various MAT trainings available in our state and argue against letting stigma and hesitance to prescribe buprenorphine or methadone interfere with providers offering this life-saving treatment option.

Be sure to browse the MedBoard Matters Podcast show page for helpful resources and contact information for our guests.

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