UNC researchers seek prescriber input on STOP Act prescribing limits
Comments: 2 comments Print Friendly Version | Share this itemResearchers specifically want prescribers in North Carolina to share their perspectives about the STOP Act, as well information on how they have implemented the prescribing limits. North Carolina prescribers who have written a prescription for an opioid to treat acute and/or post-surgical pain within the last five years are eligible to participate.
Participants will be asked about:
• Their views on opioid usage in North Carolina,
• Their organization’s communications about and implementation of prescribing limits, and
• Their views regarding the purpose of prescribing limits.
Interviews will be no more than one hour (by phone) and responses will be kept strictly confidential. There will be no identifiers linking prescribers or their organizations to any responses. Participants will receive a $50 gift card.
Participation in the UNC study is completely voluntary and prescribers may withdraw at any time should they decide not to participate. To participate or to learn more about the study, contact Natalie Blackburn at nblackbu@live.unc.edu or by telephone at (919) 843-0155.
Comments on this article:
This measure has unnecessarily burdened prescribers wishing to provide controlled substances. It’s another case of the whole paying for the sins of the few. The process further degrades physician efficiency which had already been adversely affected by widespread EMR implementation, not to mention the unfunded mandate necessary for compliance. Our legislators and “leaders” in the medical community just can’t bring themselves to forsee the unintended consequences of their seemingly well intended actions. Meanwhile, those who want these substances for illicit use will somehow find a way to get them.
By Robert Appel on Feb 27, 2020 at 3:35pm
Dr. Appel - Thank you for taking the time to comment. If you wish your perspective to be included in the research project, please be sure to reach out to the contact listed.
By Jean Fisher Brinkley on Feb 27, 2020 at 4:24pm