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Jul 1 2015

2014 Annual Report now available

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The NCMB recently published its agency annual report, reflecting the Board’s work during calendar year 2014. The Board has published a limited number of paper copies, which are available upon request. To request a hard copy, email your name and mailing address to

The NCMB has a long history of publishing annual data regarding the public actions taken by the Board each year. The annual report continues this tradition, while substantially increasing the scope of data released about the Board’s activities.

The Annual Report features data on complaints and other investigative information received by the Board, data on malpractice reports received by specialty area of practice and information on the number of private actions taken by the Board. The report also includes information about policy initiatives and licensing program activity, as well as demographic information about the Board’s licensees.

To view online, visit and select the tab labeled “Annual Reports.”

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