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Mar 12 2018

2017 position statement review

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The Board reviews position statements at least once every four years, or more frequently if new information or issues come to light that may necessitate reconsideration, expansion or revision of an existing NCMB position. Here’s what the Board worked on in 2017:

New position statements
The Board adopted one new position statement in 2017, entitled Policy for the use of audio or visual recordings in patient care.

Why was this position statement needed?

This position statement originated from the Board’s review of an enforcement case that involved a medical practice’s use of video cameras for security, both in patient examination rooms and in public spaces such as the waiting and parking areas. A patient complained to the Board about this practice, stating specific concerns that the practice did not provide a private area for undressing and dressing. The Board’s primary goals in drafting the position statement were to ensure that 1. Patients are provided a place to disrobe or redress in private and 2. Files are stored in a secure manner that is compliant with HIPAA privacy rules.

Amended position statements
The Board approved revisions to the following position statements.

Drug Overdose Prevention
What changed? The Board added language to encourage licensees to support the use of opioid antagonists (e.g. naloxone) as a means of preventing death from overdose; The Board also updated language that summarizes the Board’s efforts to address patient deaths and harm from opioid overdose to include information about NCMB’s opioids investigative program, the Safe Opioid Prescribing Initiative and implementation of a CME requirement for controlled substances prescribers.

Guidelines for Avoiding Misunderstandings During Physical Examinations
Revised to replace the word “sex” with “gender” in bullet point number two of the position statement.

Medical record documentation
Revised to include a substantial new section specific to Electronic Health Records.

Professional Use of Social Media
Minor text change to second bulleted statement.

The Treatment of Obesity
Amended to add concerns about phentermine as an example.

Reviewed, no changes:
The Board reviewed the following position statements and determined that no changes are needed at this time.

Professional obligations pertaining to incompetence, impairment, and unethical conduct of healthcare providers

Unethical Agreements in Complaint Settlements

What Are the Position Statements of the Board and to Whom Do They Apply?

What are position statements anyway?
Position statements provide guidance on a range of subjects, including direct clinical practice, professional ethics, legal and policy matters and other practice related topics.

All position statements may be accessed at A downloadable pdf copy of the complete position statements is also available online.

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